Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

  1. This website (website) (webtv.fhw.gr, tv.fhw.gr & flix.fhw.gr (and the same at ime.gr)) belongs to the Foundation of the Hellenic World.
  2. The visitor/user of the pages and services of the site must carefully read the terms of use and service provision conditions carefully before visiting or using our pages and services. In case of disagreement, they must not use them. Otherwise, it is presumed that they accept and consent to them. The following terms of use apply to the entire content and anything generally included in the website's pages.
  3. The present terms of use may be modified at any time; therefore, users must check for possible changes each time, and if they continue using the site, they are presumed to accept them.
  4. The entire content of the site, including audiovisual works (films, videos, etc.), texts, images, graphics, designs, photographs, illustrations, music, files, and any other intellectual creation in general, belongs to the Foundation of the Hellenic World (and its affiliated companies) and is protected by Greek, EU, and international intellectual and industrial property law. Therefore, reproduction, publication, republication, copying by mechanical or other means, storage, sale, transmission, distribution, issuance, downloading, translation, use, exploitation, with or without processing, of the site's content and services, offered on it, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, is expressly prohibited.
  5. Decompilation: Any processing of the site's content, including decompilation of the software contained therein or any other processing of its source code, is strictly prohibited. The visual representation and design of each webpage of the site belong exclusively to the Foundation of the Hellenic World (and its affiliated companies). In any case, the entire content and services of the site are provided to users exclusively for their personal use. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the trademarks, logos, and other distinctive features belong to the Foundation of the Hellenic World (and its affiliated companies).
5B. Storage of Streaming or Other Media: In case users have access to streaming media services, the storage of the stream on local media by any technical method, in any form, in whole or in part, in the same or another audio or video (e.g., wav, wma, mp3, mpeg, etc.), existing today or to be invented in the future, is strictly prohibited. The upload and storage (download) from the site to local media (mechanical or electronic) of photographs, logos, texts, animations, gifs, sounds, images in general, static or animated, is also prohibited unless expressly permitted, and only to the extent expressly permitted, on each specific page.
  1. The user of the site is solely responsible for its lawful use. The user must comply with Greek, EU, and international law and refrain from any illegal acts during their visit to the site. Using the site for illegal purposes entails civil and criminal liability.
  2. Nothing contained on the website constitutes advice, direct or indirect encouragement, or solicitation to take any action but is at the discretion of the users to evaluate the site's content and act as they see fit, excluding any liability on our part.
  3. The website contains links and advertisements which are related to websites and companies operated by individuals not related to the Foundation of the Hellenic World. The use of these elements by the website's users is subject to additional terms of use, which are mentioned on the websites of the third-parties.
  4. In all other respects, the general terms of use, the privacy policy, and the personal data protection notification, as included on the main site of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, apply: Privacy Policy